Wang, J., Schneps, M. H., Antonenko, P. D., Chen, C., & Pomplun, M. (2016). Is reading impairment associated with enhanced holistic processing in comparative visual search? Dyslexia, 22, 345–361. doi: 10.1002/dys.1540
The effect of a serious digital game on students’ ability to transfer knowledge in secondary agricultural education
pasha November 3, 2016Bunch, J. C., Robinson, J. S., & Edwards, M. C., Antonenko, P. D. (2016). The effect of a serious digital game on students’ ability to transfer knowledge in secondary agricultural education: An exploratory study. Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, 4(2), 80-94.
How mobile app developers conceive of dyslexia and what it means for mobile app users
pasha August 16, 2016Dawson, K., Antonenko, P., Sahay, S., & Lombardino, L. (2016). How mobile app developers conceive of dyslexia and what it means for mobile app users. Interaction Design and Architecture, 28, 69 – 84.
Validating a measure of teacher intentions to integrate technology in education in Turkey, Spain and the USA.
pasha August 16, 2016Perkmen, S. Antonenko, P., Caracuel, A. (2016). Validating a measure of teacher intentions to integrate technology in education in Turkey, Spain and the USA. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 24(2), 215-241.
A framework for aligning needs, abilities and affordances to inform design and practice of educational technologies
pasha July 19, 2016Antonenko, P., Dawson, K. & Sahay, S. (2016). A framework for aligning needs, abilities and affordances to inform design and practice of educational technologies. British Journal of Educational Technology. Early view DOI:10.1111/bjet.12466
Thomas, A., Antonenko, P., & Davis, R. (2016). Understanding metacomprehension accuracy within video annotation systems. Computers in Human Behavior, 58, 269-277.
The instrumental value of conceptual frameworks in educational technology research.
pasha June 13, 2015Antonenko, P. (2015). The instrumental value of conceptual frameworks in educational technology research. Educational Technology Research and Development, 63(1), 53-71.
Neuroscience and learning.
pasha June 13, 2015Antonenko, P. (2015). Neuroscience and learning. In J. M. Spector (Ed.) Encyclopedia of educational technology (pp. 538-542). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Antonenko, P., Lee, B, & Kleinheksel, A.J. (2014). Trends in the crowdfunding of educational technology startups. TechTrends, 58(6), p. 36-41.
Connecting practice, theory and method: Supporting professional doctoral students in developing conceptual frameworks.
pasha June 13, 2015Kumar, S. & Antonenko, P. (2014). Connecting practice, theory and method: Supporting professional doctoral students in developing conceptual frameworks. TechTrends, 58(4), 54-61.